Riding the Wave ... And the Trough

I am mentally ill, diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder I, OCD, ADHD, PTSD and a vitamin B12 deficiency (a key element in brain development). For over 12 years, I took anywhere from 5-8 psychotropic meds each day, and have been recently giving myself a monthly injection of B12.

In January 2012 I was hospitalized for depression, and management of my currrent med cocktail. Immediately all but two of my meds were discontinued and, after a few weeks of adjustment, and some near hospitalizations, things seem to be going much better.

I have been on permanent disability since January 2010, and am adjusting to life on a very limited income.

My prayer is that in walking with me during the ups and downs of Bipolar Disorder, you might find solace, and benefit through my experiences.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Falling Into the Canyon

I received word from my pDoc last week that I need to add to my med cocktail Namenda, a drug given to Alzheimer patients to slow the progress of that dreaded disease. I am taking it to slow the progression of my ongoing short-term loss. I look around now and realize the possibility that the world I see today might not be recognizable by me in a few years. My world is beginning to crumble, and all I can do is sit back and watch.

Connie is on a very strict diet, due to her high blood pressure and blood sugar. She works very hard to watch what she eats, careful not to include in her diet those things that cause her problems. Last week I bought her 2-1 liter bottles of what I thought was "diet, caffeine-free Pepsi" actually was "caffeine-free Pepsi", loaded with sugar and sodium. I knew better; I thought I had gotten the diet. She was very upset, and I can't blame her. She had gone nearly 2 years following the dietary rules, and I had changed them in short order.

Messing us is not the issue, but messing up when it harms another person is.  The point is that it could have been a mistake that could really hurt another. At what point do I decide that enough is enough, and remove myself from situations where I could injure myself or someone else.

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