Riding the Wave ... And the Trough

I am mentally ill, diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder I, OCD, ADHD, PTSD and a vitamin B12 deficiency (a key element in brain development). For over 12 years, I took anywhere from 5-8 psychotropic meds each day, and have been recently giving myself a monthly injection of B12.

In January 2012 I was hospitalized for depression, and management of my currrent med cocktail. Immediately all but two of my meds were discontinued and, after a few weeks of adjustment, and some near hospitalizations, things seem to be going much better.

I have been on permanent disability since January 2010, and am adjusting to life on a very limited income.

My prayer is that in walking with me during the ups and downs of Bipolar Disorder, you might find solace, and benefit through my experiences.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Waiting On God's Call?

When does God call us into ministry?

After leaving the workforce over 8 months ago, I have been asking myself, "When will God call me again?" I didn't realize how important it would be for me to have a constant goal / objective / project in the works. For most of my life I had more than I could accomplish. Now I find it difficult to find one or two that are both meaningful and interesting.

Then I realized that God never calls you OUT of the ministry. As His children, He will use us, in many varying capacities, until we meet with Him face-to-face. And just like the jobs available in the workplace, the job might be simple, private, with no public recognition at all, and the impact we may never know. And then at other times it might be highly visible, stimulating, and effect many, many people. We must decide that we will do what He wants, and go where He leads, and be the best at the task at hand.

There might well be times when we are not doing what we want to do, but rest assured that when we follow God, we will always be doing exactly what He wants us to do.

Isn't that wonderful !

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